Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 101

Breakfast - Oat bran porridge
Lunch - salad and 2 low carb pieces of arabic bread with cream cheese light and lettuce
Supper - savoury mince meat

I had a slight disaster last night with some M & M's. My husband is away for meetings in Cyprus and I must have been feeling lonely. I had an open bag in the fridge and before I knew it I was eating a handful. I can't even say I had 2 or 3 it was more like 20.......... However they were delicious and I enjoyed every bite.
I also managed to have some exercise yesterday - I walked. All in all I fell into bed exhausted at about 8:30 and must have been asleep by 9.

Ready for a new day today..............Good morning everyone!!!

1 comment:

  1. 20 M&Ms - naughty girl! Go straight away now, and whip yourself bloody... ;-)

    No no, kidding, don't do that. 20 M&Ms are no big deal if it only happens every now and then, and at least you enjoyed them! I find being alone in the house to be the most challenging barrier to eating right. That, and going to the cinema.

    Also? Plenty of sleep works wonders for weight loss! I never get enough, there's always too much to do to get to sleep before 11.30pm, but any time I've been in bed before 9pm, my body has thanked me for it! And your body will too.

    And Good Morning to you too! :)
