Friday, June 29, 2012

Beirut Blues

When we first left Beirut 7 years ago to go down south I was sure I would hate it.  The opposite was true - I loved Tyre the moment I got there.  The people were friendly, the prices were cheaper, you could walk everywhere instead of driving, it was safe....etc etc
I was not sure how I would handle leaving yesterday.  We have been having goodbyes for weeks now - going out with people, having visitors and just living in an unsettled way.
Yesterday when I got in the car to leave I felt surprisingly numb - I am waiting for it to hit me.  After a long drive to Beirut, the kids and I arrived at the house  where we will be staying for the next 2 weeks and I felt so lonely.  Dave was away for the afternoon and only arrived back late.

It reminded me of the first time Dave and I arrived in Lebanon, also staying in Mansourieh.  After we moved our stuff into the house we looked at each other and just didn't know what to do.  Yesterday I felt exactly the same.
It was also Josh's birthday and I was trying to think of how to make it special for him. So we dragged ourselves out of the house, walked down the hill, and up the next until we got guessed it MacDonalds.  Yep, I know - VERY HEALTHY.
The kids were feeling blue like me so desperate times called for desperate measures!
We had a great time and when we walked home again, the mood was much lighter.

It is going to be a challenge to make this place home for 2 weeks.  I will go grocery shopping this afternoon so we can eat some healthy food tonight.

How nice to have a blog where you can rant about whatever you want!!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

7 days........a lifetime!!!!!

7 days until we leave Tyre - my home for the last 7 years.  I was wondering why these things often end so badly.  Why can't it be that you can leave a place in a graceful way without mud slinging?  I mean we resigned in a peaceful way........It just seems that if people can't have their own way with you they get UGLY.
So to all my friends and colleagues at school - GOOD LUCK and seriously I mean it.  My heart breaks to see all of you unhappy and stressed but it is time for us to walk away.  LEST will always be in our hearts and prayers and we will take the memories of the happy fun times away.
7 years ago three families came to work and give their lives to your school.  7 years later all three families have left to do different things.  Where will we go next?  Who knows but God has a plan.  Sometimes just wish he would tell us what it is!!!

Next stop......Beirut for 3 weeks.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hello - lebbok is back

I feel like I have lived a lifetime since being here last.......
I changed my blog name since I am no longer on Dukan.  I still aspire to be but just am struggling with so many changes that diet seems the last on my list.
In the last 6 months:
We have finished teaching in Tyre - Lebanon
We are moving out of our house
We are leaving the country
We are moving back to Cape Town for a year

PHEW - so dieting has not really featured much.  Trying to survive has!
This blog will be different as it will focus more on how me and my family are surviving all these changes, inspirational thoughts, lessons learned, great recipes as they come up and LIFE!  Eventually if I can get back to Dukan I will because I believe it was the one time when I felt really healthy......